Sunday, May 08, 2011

Best Player -2-

Settling down was never an easy task if you were to work in Africa. It was until that day I finally realized I was here to work, not for fun, nor for escaping from anything as I'd planned, even though I tried hard to ignore this bleak fact. I stayed in Lusaka for only one jet-lagged night, not having a clue why the air here was so sweet to breathe.

The next day, I continued my trip to a place unknown, a place, as I learned later, named Choma. On this 500 km road trip, the driver had stopped only three times along the way: the first time, we stopped and bought tons of cheap but sweet bananas, the second stop, we peed, and the third, we had a flat tire.  It didn't take Arnold the driver too long to fix it though and we hit Choma at lunch time. Along the way, I couldn't shut my eyes despite of several sleepless nights. Everywhere I eyed is a fabulous paint. One minute a go I was enjoying these trees, unchained, all growing to its own destined shape, and the next minute, I was fascinated by the long stretching meadow under the cloudless ultra blue sky. Even the road itself was a masterpiece as if it was not any transporting facility but a passage scarcely trespassed, not known to the outside world, and was leading to a wonderland.


marta said...

Hi,would u like to exchange postcard with me:)? Zambia must be amazing!

Unknown said...

Hey , I need some bankotes from Zambia urgently .. I can provide you lots of United Arab Emirates Postcards ... Add me at facebook

Collectif L'Actu en Continu said...

Hello !
Are you interested by an exchange of post cards with a french post crosser ?
My mail :