Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I do think it hurts to get up early every morning, and yet compared to fighting through an overloaded bus, getting up early seems so much health a lifestyle!

That's the lesson I'm reviewing every morning Mon to Fri! I always think one must be pretty strong, physically and mentally, to survive such a battle all the way to work unless either you don't have to resort to any modern transportation or you are in possession of any sound vehicle, two-wheel or four-wheel.

Alright, just assume you and me are in the same situation which does not include any of the two priorities brought up above so you can see the picture unmistakably.

I rush to the bus station and wait endlessly with my heart sizzling! Ah, here comes my bus! I want to queue, few people do, I get on, and the bus moves. Just the moment I figure I'd be safe from being late, the bus stops and inhales colossal crowd of people. In the suffocated bus, the breathable air was contaminated with all sorts of smells harsh for the olfactory organ. More often, I am in a state of being sandwiched, tight, in the swarm, holding breath while forcing my poor nose to get used to the sophisticated odor.

One hour's trip, two jam-packed buses and I thrust myself out of the rear door. The office building perversely standing right there, walking near it,I feel really good.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Terima kasih!

当 我翻开这本小书,眼睛扫过一堆看不懂的发音规则,语法变化之后,到附录部分,细细读了景点介绍中的孚罗交怡岛,原来我们去的水下世界原来竟是亚洲最大的水 族馆!再往后翻,终于看到几句我不用看中文也能看懂的话,带你妈看戏!当别人说Terima kasih请回答Sama-sama霍霍,对兰卡威说一百遍Terima kasih

Tuesday, August 22, 2006



Monday, August 21, 2006

I initiated my blog today!

P. S.