Monday, December 18, 2006
Do we really need a house?
I moved upper into this new office today, everything's quite satisfactory except for the natural-freezer-like coldness and the much-too-stable salary. Under such circumstances, Maggie casually brought up this way expensive topic —Time to purchase a home! She has a friend in real estate business, who'd be likely to give us a 20% discount, C'mon, this is real estate! 20% off can mean a lot. The exhilarating piece of news almost pushed me onto the list of successful new graduates just like Handsome Zhou! Sober me!!!
Things have changed the day you went out of the campus, much of a cliché though. Before graduation, you used to worry about stuff like when shall I afford a home? A car (let alone a limousine)? If things go smoothly, I'll be running a happy home with this sweet love..., and this social formula starts to work now, and you start craving the realization of all those once naive dreams. It suddenly reminds me of the War of the World- it'd already rooted in your mind, waiting to break out. Terrible! Having a habitat thus became the least yardstick of being successful. The plan is I'm going with Maggie to check out the house this Sunday.
Seeing is not buying. Frieda told me about her Kyoto adventures, among which I admire those home-free Japanese wanderers most. Have a home on street, raise a dog, and keep it clean. I guess I would do that if this lifestyle suits the city and country where I am living. So I would still prioritize my "Big Plan" before I take the burden and all.
If there is no other way but to join the current, take it step by step.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
My Poor Mama~~
Sunday, November 26, 2006
We're back
She's been near from me, and yet I did not know until this Thanksgiving.
She's nine months only younger than me.
She had a mother who loved me just the way a mother to her baby.
She had a mother who died at a young age when she was still a baby.
She's a sweet, pretty, little nurse working in a hospital.
She invited me to dinner with her pretty fellow nurses tonight, because
She is twenty-two years old today.
She recently bought a computer at home.
She's been working out with a gym, near my workplace
She's good.
And I'm good too.
Monday, October 16, 2006
I could’ve coughed my heart out had it not been strong!
Sarah said this was exactly what she’d been through and that it’s gotta be long even if you take some secret, magical therapy. I was on the edge of buying a ticket and pay my faithful visit to that miraculously secluded therapist when I got up this morning without any pungent bites around my poor throat…Yup! I recovered, successfully!
I only coughed merely countable times today in the office, which is a huge bliss for my colleagues who’d been suffering from the terrible noise even I myself hate like hell!!! Now that I’m near a full recovery, I dare not forget the pain of sickness days before. That was the end of the vacation when I started to worry, about getting back to normal--having my job done everyday to everybody’s satisfaction, and missing, missing, missing in such strong nostalgia… and I got a fever, and a bad cough.
The fact that I recovered within less than a week proves that in the slightest shade of sense, I am strong enough to cope with this miserable life.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Saturday, October 07, 2006
接下来的一个礼拜,时间快过任何有腿能跑的东西,昆明还是昆明,可是这几天我自己都觉得好象重新认识了这座生我养我的城市.你知道那种感觉吗?就像是整个所有街道被人走过之后便留下了这个人的印记,再次走过突然觉得跟以前不一样了,好比客厅里的茶几, 即使稍作改动,尽管很难察觉到有什么不一样,可自己肯定还是能感受到异样.
早餐已经一个礼拜了,奢侈得让我舍不得扔掉. 那么费心力的完成, 不忍动它,所以现在还是原来的样子.
还有这些地方也该记住: 垭口茶餐厅, 建新园, 傣族人家, 建水烧烤, Rocco's, 天然居, 鱼具店,大滇园, 还有菜市场,嘿嘿,还有合作成功的饺子!!!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
a handy man
Maggie 的打字机今天咬断了一盒新的色带,被我修好了:) 好得意~~严格地为公司省了好几十块钱!!! 老板下班突发起想要教大家一个单词, "比如说Stanley修好了这个东西, 你们知道加拿大人会说什么吗?" 没人甩他...时间到, 答案是 "handyman" 老板经常会教大家一些这类大家都知道,并且很简单,但是一般想不到话,比如小番茄在加拿大,叫作 "baby tomato"之类的.
说 道修理那盒色带, 哈哈, 这个功夫完全拜我年轻时候用的录音机所赐, 各种绞得没有形状的卡带,在我无数次蹂躏之后,虽然声音听起来有点盗版,还是可以听得很高兴.今天打开打字机的色带盒,原理构造跟录音卡带没有两样,只是 大了点,更容易操作,于是我很有效率地装了一回, handyman!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
几 天没有写东西,第一篇说过的话似乎有要成真的迹象,再加上浏览困难的原因,基本上即使写了那么几个字也几近无人问津,于是你怀疑我的工作令我生活无趣!事 实上还真有那么点无趣,不过不是因为工作,只是因为每天重复相同的动作,而且大部分时间都被想念occupy了,显得有点没精神罢了。

今 天在公车上又听到关于冥王星的新闻,这个世界真是有意思,有人将它除名处理,也有人拥护它的行星地位。人们对于世界的认识每天都有新花样,如果说矮行星不 算行星,那么像我这样的矮人会不会有一天也被认定不是人,我等着那一天,于是你的interview我来回答的话,将是:我跟别人最大的区别就是:不好意 思,其实我不是人...
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
That's the lesson I'm reviewing every morning Mon to Fri! I always think one must be pretty strong, physically and mentally, to survive such a battle all the way to work unless either you don't have to resort to any modern transportation or you are in possession of any sound vehicle, two-wheel or four-wheel.
Alright, just assume you and me are in the same situation which does not include any of the two priorities brought up above so you can see the picture unmistakably.
I rush to the bus station and wait endlessly with my heart sizzling! Ah, here comes my bus! I want to queue, few people do, I get on, and the bus moves. Just the moment I figure I'd be safe from being late, the bus stops and inhales colossal crowd of people. In the suffocated bus, the breathable air was contaminated with all sorts of smells harsh for the olfactory organ. More often, I am in a state of being sandwiched, tight, in the swarm, holding breath while forcing my poor nose to get used to the sophisticated odor.
One hour's trip, two jam-packed buses and I thrust myself out of the rear door. The office building perversely standing right there, walking near it,I feel really good.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Terima kasih!
当 我翻开这本小书,眼睛扫过一堆看不懂的发音规则,语法变化之后,到附录部分,细细读了景点介绍中的孚罗交怡岛,原来我们去的水下世界原来竟是亚洲最大的水 族馆!再往后翻,终于看到几句我不用看中文也能看懂的话,带你妈看戏!当别人说Terima kasih请回答Sama-sama霍霍,对兰卡威说一百遍Terima kasih!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
I initiated my blog today!
P. S. 今天把头发剪短了,经常在电梯里遇到那个人说我改邪归正,嗨!其实从来都没太邪过!